In the Media
Media Psychologist
- Evelyn M. Field, OAM is interviewed regularly by the media and is currently available to take meetings.
- She is a media spokesperson for the Australian Psychological Society.
- Evelyn has undergone professional media training; refer to her DVD.
- She has has worked closely with the media throughout her extensive career.
- Evelyn believes that media psychologists raise the profile of psychology and provide the public with simple, sound, psychological advice.
- The media can contact her on 0408 006 003.
- She will recommend an alternative specialist psychologist when appropriate.

Liz Kefford, Reporter-Producer, Today Tonight:
“I have interviewed Evelyn a number of times; not only is she extremely experienced in her field, but very media-friendly insofar as she is able to explain simply and succinctly rather complex issues, from a psychological point of view ie explain why people behave the way they do in certain situations, whether it be schoolyard bullying, stealing, or assault or any other form of lawlessness.
Evelyn is also extremely accommodating to our requests for interviews… the nature of this job means we often ring her and ask for a comment that day or that morning… as she is committed to balancing stories with explanations of extreme behaviour… that is, to make herself available so our stories are ‘balanced’… as well, she is extremely positive and friendly and researchers, producers and journalists alike from this office enjoy her company immensely.”